I am not no chef. Nor am I a chief. But I know some chefs. Some chiefs. And lots of champs. That's what it took to get these two awesome individuals together. Just two weeks ago tomorrow they met for the first time. It took a recipe that was baked from scratch. Baked on high real fast. And yet they were on CNN today. There has got to be a lot of story for one to get on such a broadcast. CNN. That's pretty big. I would like to acknowledge Trievents for allowing them to race under such quick notice. Alex Soto, Carolyn Wolk, you two really stepped up to the plate. How wonderful CNN used this backdrop with the Trievents logo today on live television. And then there is another very important individual whom was a huge part in the success of this exposure. He is one of the most selfless human beings on the planet. He insists on not getting any credit or having his name mentioned. Okay I won't. But he said nothing about using his initials. T.M. was a major factor in this getting to where it did. Just as big as Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Carlos Solis, Ryan Maloney, Alex and Carolyn. And one other but whom like Terry will just be grateful he is able to "pay it forward".................... 

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