Friday, January 20, 2012

Triathlon Clinic next week!

Next weekend will be exactly one year since Jodi and I competed the ITU race on the tiny island off Honduras of Roatan. A big race in a small place where many aspiring and hopeful future Olympians were in appearance from several different countries trying to shag points in hopes of making the team. So many great memories and I remember them all as if yesterday. The pizza box Corey lent me and called it a bike carrier. Thumbing it to the town from the airport (with huge like pizza boxes). Racing on a never before ridden(by me)one-size-too big/compact cranked/ 25mm tires/ overly demo-ed Kona bicycle(which by the way treated quite well). The awesome clear blue coral reef visual warm water one mile swim. The bike was the hilliest 40K course I have ever raced on. And then chasing down the two overly carbon-ed bike ridden competitors in my age group on the run. To win. One of my all time trips and experiences. And I have been fortunate and blessed with many over the years.
I just returned from being out of town and computer-less this week. I kinda missed it. Not as much as my wife, Roxy and my bikes, but missed it none the less.
One of my first email's opened was from one of the longest running and successful race directors in the country. Inquiring on if I would be interested in leading a two day dish of camp. He is offering an "A" camp and a "B" camp. Has advertised as the "A" camp for podium chasing competitors which he would like me to coordinate and lead.
Almost exactly one year ago consisted of racing, scuba diving and lounging on a tiny island off Honduras. This year? Looks like I'm working and doing what I love to do again. May not be as warm and tropical. But still cool none the less.

Rest up "A" listers!!!!


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