If you do not ride as efficient and confident as these guy's in this group, sign up and attend our upcoming clinic held a week from this weekend. You'll leave better!!!!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Improve at our clinic!!
If you do not ride as efficient and confident as these guy's in this group, sign up and attend our upcoming clinic held a week from this weekend. You'll leave better!!!!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Swim Beach............................
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Expert Nutrition
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Today's race.......
With the race venue around the Rose Bowl, it meant multiple loops on the bike. With the tri and the du bringing in well over 1000 participant's, that's a potential train wreck. Unable to enter, Jodi got the spectator's view today. She did see some derailment's (crashes) hopefully nobody got seriously hurt. Our upcoming clinic's will intruct proper ettiqutte. For safety, enjoyment and performance. In that order. The way it should be.................................
Pasadena Triathlon
Wow. The Pasadena Triathlon sold out with max of 800 entrants. The duathlon sold out as well and Jodi could not enter this morning. So she took a few photo's.Lots of new faces out there. Nice to see a couple of dinasaurs as pic here of Bob Babbit (Competitor mag) and I still around mixing it up. My goal was a top ten overall and I was 4th across the finish. It was a good workout but most importantly a good time. Being a dinasaur does not mean being old. At least that's what I tell myself. Sign up for our upcoming triathlon clinic. No age restriction's, and if you're new, all the better!!!!!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
I have always been a strong proponent for training as hard as your effort in your race will be. Okay, to be honest I am a strong proponent for incorporating training day's that will be even harder than your race day effort. Come race day, I feel ready for anything the course has to offer. Even if you are as green and new to the sport as they come, sign up and participate in the upcoming clinic. You will certainly be glad you did!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stay active!!!!
And an active week this is! Along with work, training, etc., we will volunteer tomorrow filling race bag's for the upcoming San Dimas Stage Race this weekend. Big race. Exciting race. Come out and watch the crit Sunday in downtown San Dimas. It is something to see! The pro race goes off around 2 p.m.
Saturday is the Pasadena Triathlon which sold out with 800 entries! I am looking forward to mixing it up with the youngster's! Then it's off to the desert where we have a Breast Cancer Charity walk @ a local high school track and our time slot is 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.(Sunday) Then back home to watch and support the cycling event. So active it will be.........did you sign up for the clinic yet??? Stay active!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Learn proper nutrition

Rudy Garcia watches as Dave supplies Jodi with some serious(?) octane about 50 miles into a 100 miler in the desert, late August, training for Kona . Sign up for the clinic and learn the do's and don'ts in regards to pre, post and race nutrition intake. Practice with the Hammer Nutrition products provided. It's coming up on April 11th. Don't procrastinate as this one not to miss.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Boston Marathon prep
Jodi and best friend(and clinic coach) Suzi Degazon will be venturing to Boston next month as they will be competing in the marathon. Training in the desert this weekend was epic with cool 65 degree a.m. runs. Here Jodi is mid way thru a 16 miler. The surroundings are green. In the summer, different story: Often we are training for a Hawaii event and and in August a furnace burning 110 degree toaster. And green? Nothing. Not even a lizard. Not that you'll see any. They are smarter and stay under cover..........
Friday, March 12, 2010
Desert Bound
Heading out the door to our desert secret training ground......shhhhhhh!.............. Aside from it being wide open, beautiful, 75 degree's, natural hot mineral spa's and more stars in the sky than you shake a cactus at...............Jodi will also put in 25-30 miles running in two days preparing for Boston next month. The surrounding's are stunning. Come on out for a day!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We are getting question's on whether or not to wear a wetsuit at clinic in April. Answer: If you have one, would wear if you were racing, then yes. A wetsuit is not mandatory. If you do not own one, would like to demo or buy one, you can do either or both on day of clinic. There will be a limited amount available.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Clinic schwag.......................
Hammer Nutrition is on board for upcoming clinic and will provide Hammer bags chock full of products!!! Not only will you learn about proper nutrition, you will go home with a bag full. Hammer Nutrition is about as generous as their product is good. Over the top. Sign up for April clinic and get endless amount of shared experience , knowledge and demonstration. In a fun, active four hours.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Epic Yucca's!!!!!!!!!!
We went on line to enter the 2010 Desert Triathlon a few week's ago. Only to read: SOLD OUT! Ah, man, I wanted to race this. In a big way. I knew it was one year to the date since I taco'd my collarbone. A phone call to Greg probably would have opened a door. Just not something I'm going to do. So Jodi chose to work this weekend as a visiting nurse. And I headed out to our Tiki Shack. It's about 20 miles from the race site. And I rode. Rode long. Rode the mountain bike. Rode from Desert Hot Springs to Yucca Valley, off road, 24 miles out and up. Then flipped it @ Yucca and descended 24 back. It was awesome. On all accounts: Physically, mentally, emotionally. I returned stoked and still am. 365 days to the day of my busting my too long healing collarbone.
Our clinic's are filling up. Don't wait too long like we did for this race and miss the boat. And our prices? About 1/2 the cost of most race entry's today. And you get four hours. A four hour's like mine today: That will leave you stoked, excited and wanting more.................
Friday, March 5, 2010
My Heroes: Terry Martin and Rudy Garcia

Ran into an old buddy while riding up GMR today. One of his question's was: Who was the most influential person in your 25+ year's of triathlon? Pretty easy answer for me: Terry Martin. For one he has always been freakin' fast. On anything.... He helped get me on "The Beam Team" Softride's grassroots team in the 90's..... He hooked me up with "Team Elite" where I raced in PowerBar dud's and put on 5 lbs. M-F eating mega PowerBars like dessert after dinner.... He turned me on to Nike's "Air Kukini's" I loved them. No laces. Fastest transition's ever in these babies. I remember the Desert Princess: Terry wore those Biathlon (hey, that's what they were called then) platform- pedal-thing's you raced in, never removing your racing flat's(shoes). Again, I followed suit. That same year he dualed it out w/ Frank Shorter(Olympian) there for Master's World Championship's. Speaking of Olympian's, Terry Martin was thee first one to reach out to Rudy Garcia Tolson, and then mentored him, and then introduced him to just about every contact that has led to his well deserved, hard earned and inspiring new triathlon career.. Yes, Terry Martin has had the biggest influence on me. He is an awesome athlete and a wonderful human being. Rudy carries those same qualities. In part, I firmly believe, due to Terry M.'s incredible and generous influence.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Right foot
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Fun is a must!!

Training should be fun. Racing should be fun-er. Here is Jodi having fun on her way to a first place @ Palm Springs 1/2 marathon a few week's ago. Come to our clinic and allow us to teach you how to have fun. All the while learning what it take's to achieve your best. First timer's highly encouraged. You can do your first triathlon the following week on the same course we instruct you on.
Select your race's, enter and commit
Sign up and commit to events! Not often we'll ride 100 miles and then race a 1/2 marathon the following day. Yet every year in PS come February the opportunity is there, so we sign up & commit. Leg's may be a little flat for Sunday's run, which makes it all the better training. Xlnt prep for any upcoming half or Ironman distance. Sign up and commit to our upcoming triathlon clinic/day camp. Your next(even if it's your first) triathlon will love you for it.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Upcoming Triathlon Clinic
Corey McCroskey, Suzy Degazon and Al Wiscovitch discuss and demonstrate proper fit, size, aerodynamic's and some serious cyclist inside tip's at the previous clinic. The lake behind, private swim beach for clinic attendee's to learn the ins and outs and practice open water swim technique. This is only a portion of what's delivered. Sign up while you can!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday's Sunset

We headed home after this sunset with a beautiful full moon rising. Total of 38 miles mountain biking. 18 miles off road running for the weekend. Down time was a dinner at the cafe', watching the Hurt Locker DVD, hot mineral spa's and sleeping in. In this mad and hectic rat race world, we must take care of ourselves. Do what you enjoy. Be good to yourself. And be good to others.
pic from other side.....
That way!!!
You can see where the canyon ends about 12 miles from this point. Then we flip it and the effort level climb's. Just one of the many optional (and optimal) ride's behind our place. Often we bust out a 6 or ten mile run on the other side (pics of that side later)Hot natural mineral tub's await the return. Epic.
San Andrea's ride/drop/run
Weekend in the desert
We escaped the wetness and headed for our Secret Training Tiki Shack and an hour and a half away. The San Andrea's fault line is directly behind our park. We ride in the canyon 15 miles out and then 15 of sandy, gradual climb back. Makes for a darn good time on the bike. The landscape is like no other. Sheer beauty. Jodi and local boy, Chris V.
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