Young Dillon Nobbs stopped by our house yesterday. Yep. He wanted to see the artillery I borrowed from good friend Al Wiscovitch for use at the triathlon Sunday. Everything Al owns he builds himself. Everything Al builds is the best.
I love the "whoop whoop" sound a disc wheel makes when you are motoring along. With a dozen swimmers out of the water ahead of me I took the lead on the bike a few miles before the run transition. My goal was to be the first into bike/run. Didn't know if I could pull it off. But Al's bike did just that for me. And dear friend Terry Martins' classic 80's aero helmet was not only stylin' but slippery too.
After the race young Dillon Nobbs said he knew I was coming because he heard the "whoop whoop" coming up on him. It was half through the 5K when I heard not "whomp whomp" but rather light and fast feet. Yep as figured: Dillon. What an awesome display of all out competition today.I had a blast. Dillon 1st, Clint Hostetler caught and overtook me with half mile to go for 2nd. I rounded out the overall podium with 3rd.
GREAT race guys. And big congrats to Jodi too for placing 2nd woman overall in a large female field by less than a minute!!
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