Jodi put together a solid swim, fast bike, and swift run to win her division last Sunday in the longer race. She may not be as aero as she could on this road bike, but none the less hammered the course. All the while........having fun!!!
When you train and race smart, things happen. First and foremost you should be having a fun time. Do it right and you should improve. Dillon is having fun and improving. His first race, 8th overall. This past Sunday's race, 4th overall. One day he will have thee overall. He has not ridden this Giant Trinity yet. But he will. And he will be faster. And probably having more fun at it. A good combination.
That's Reinhold Geist at our triathlon clinic last month. He just raced last Sunday on the same course clinic had covered. I guess it paid off. He won his division. Nice goin' Rein!
Whether it be pre race, post race, or at the race, Corey from Coates Cyclery will hook you up. On top of knowing everything there is about the business, as I said he will hook you up. With the right equipment and the correct advise. Thanks Corey!